경제논집 (經濟論集)
Vol. 15, No. 2 1976
- A Comparative Study on Fertilizer Marketing Systems in Asia Shim, Young-Kun
- 低開發經濟의 貨幣需要 朴, 在潤
- The Effect of Land Reform on Labor Input Use: Theory and a Case Study of Korean Agriculture Park, Young J.
- A Comparative Study of Rates of Return to Education in Less Developed Nations Hadley, Lawrence
- 經濟成長으 基本條件에 관한 比較史的 硏究 - 19世紀 産業革命史를 중심으로 張, 世珍
- A Comparative Study on Fertilizer Marketing Systems in Asia Shim, Young-Kun
- A Comparative Study of Rates of Return to Education in Less Developed Nations Hadley, Lawrence