경제논집 (經濟論集)
Vol. 22, No. 2 1983
- 農業技術移轉의 基本的 槪念과 模型 王, 仁槿
- 더빈-와트슨 檢定의 檢定力 分析 鄭, 基俊
- 우리나라 電子部品産業의 育成에 관한 몇 가지 問題 李, 承勳
- External Shocks and Stabilization Policies: An Analytical and Empirical Study of Korean Economy Kim, In June
- 高度成長期의 地方財政動向 - 1960~70年代의 地方財政을 中心으로 車, 輧權
- 自然獨占理論에서의 生産技術과 費用函數 李, 承勳
- A Note on Adam Smith and International Trade Hong, Wontack
- The Pattern of Korean Growth, 1963~1973: International Perspective with Special Consideration of the Song, Byung-Nak
- The Choice of a Monetary Instrument: Sone Theoretical and Empirical Results ung, Woosik