경제논집 (經濟論集)
Vol. 16, No. 3 1977
- 日帝下 舍音에 관한 硏究 朱, 奉圭
- 自由貿易의 所得分配效果 - 新케인즈學派를 중심으로 金, 信行
- 一般均衡理論에 대하여 - 競爭均衡存在를 중심으로
- Demand for Imported Crude Petroleum: The case of the United States Chung, Jae-Wan
- Export-Lead Industrialization of LDCs: A Theoretical Export Strategy Kim, Youn-Suk
- Housing Policy and Programs of the Republic of Korea 1962-1981 Seyfried, Warren R
- Housing Policy and Programs of the Republic of Korea 1962-1981 Seyfried, Warren R.
- Export-Lead Industrialization of LDCs: A Theoretical Export Strategy Kim, Youn-Suk
- Demand for Imported Crude Petroleum: The case of the United States Chung, Jae-Wan